Hearthstone deck tracker arena plugin
Hearthstone deck tracker arena plugin

hearthstone deck tracker arena plugin

It was written using C#, because Hearthstone Deck Tracker uses it. The plugin uses OpenCV, or rather Emgu CV, to calculate the perceptual hash. The plugin uses perceptual hashing to detect the Hearthstone arena heroes and cards. The created deck can be saved to Hearthstone Deck Tracker. Detected cards are displayed alongside the value of the card, that is specified in ADWCTA’s Arena Tier List. The plugin tries to visually detect the arena heroes and card choices. This plugin helps the player to make a choice, by showing what other expert players think of the value of the presented cards. New players, but even experienced players, don’t always know which card has the most value. Not every card that is presented, is equally good as the others. Every choice consists of selecting one card out of three randomly selected cards. The cards are picked one at a time, so there are 30 choices the player has to make. In the Arena mode, the player has to create a deck consisting of 30 cards. Hearthstone is a popular free-to-play card game by Blizzard Entertainment. Arena Helper is a plugin for Hearthstone Deck Tracker that helps drafting Hearthstone arena decks.

Hearthstone deck tracker arena plugin